This article describes how you can activate and configure the Consent Module in Conferences i/o, so that you can obtain consent before storing personal data in Conferences i/o. You can learn more about why you might need the Consent Module in our GDPR Help Center.

1. Go to your Conferences i/o App's administrative tools.

2. Scroll down and click on "Consent Module" under the "Advanced Tools" heading.

3. On the Consent Module page, check the "activate" checkbox

Checking this box will redirect new attendees when they try to join your Conferences i/o app, requiring their consent before they can join. Note that attendees cannot skip the consent step.

4. Set your organization name

Your organization name will appear to attendees on their consent screen. (Learn more about what the consent module looks like for attendees.)

5. Click "Save Consent Module Settings"

6. Test the module by joining from another device, or from your web browser in private browsing mode.

Because you've already joined from your browser, you won't be prompted to provide your consent, so to test you will need another device or another browser session.