As a Moderator, you will generally create the majority of your Poll questions prior to your presentation. There will most likely be specific times during your presentation when you will want to Poll your audience. You might not want your audience to respond to every Poll as soon as they join your session. Our locking / unlocking functionality gives you total control over when a Poll is available for attendees to respond to.


Manually lock a poll

All new Polls that you create will be locked by default. Locked Polls are not visible to your audience and they will not be able to respond to the Poll until you Unlock it.

Manually unlock a poll

To unlock a poll simply click on the Lock icon on the right side of the Poll.

Once you Unlock a Poll it will become visible to the audience, and they can respond to it by clicking on the Poll question on their device.

Automated unlock and locking behavior

While using live content slides, the poll questions will automatically unlock while the live content slide is displayed in PowerPoint, Keynote or PowerPoint for Mac, Google Slides, Presentation Mode, or Easy Presentation Mode.

When the poll question is no longer displayed, typically by advancing the slide deck or presentation mode forward, that poll question will be automatically re-locked so that audience members don't continue responding to a poll that you are no longer displaying on stage.

For more information about live content slide behavior and customizations, see Customize the On-Screen Behavior of Polls