Creating Sessions in Bulk 

  1. Click Manage Sessions from the Admin dashboard

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click Import Sessions

  3. Download the template Excel file by clicking the link

  4. Open the template Excel file and replace the placeholder text with the event data

    Descriptions of all fields within the import template can be found below.

  5. If adding multiple presenters, separate each name with a comma
  6. Save the Excel file as an XLS file and upload it back into Conferences i/o

Watch a video demonstration

Descriptions of Bulk Import Template Fields

Session NameThe title of the session, presentation, training, etc.
DateThe date that the session is taking place.
Start Time & End TimeThe times that the session begins and ends (based on the Timezone set within Admin --> Event Details)
LocationThe location the session is taking place. This could be the city, specific conference room, etc. 
Session IDFormerly known as Access Code, an optional Session ID can be configured to help identify this session. Session ID will be included in reporting.
PresentersThe full names of the presenter(s) or instructor(s) for the session.
Moderator PasswordIf configured, moderators will be required to enter this password in order to moderate the session (instead of the default global moderator password)
Check-in Required*Require attendees to enter their ID information to check-in to the session for CPE purposes.
Check-in Code*If configured, attendees must successfully enter this check-in code before joining the session. Check-In Codes are not case sensitive.
Check-out Required*If configured, a Check-out button will be displayed within the session page and a timestamp will be captured when an attendee checks-out (for CPE purposes)
Check-out Code*If configured, attendees must successfully enter this code in order to complete their check-out from the session. Check-out Codes are not case sensitive.
(Learning) ObjectivesYou may add up to ten learning objectives. These objectives can then be attached to an evaluation question to duplicate the question for each objective during the evaluation.
Field(s) of Study*The type of CEU credit(s) that can be earned from the session.

This could be a generic "CPE" or "CLE" or a specific type of credit like "Auditing" or "Ethics"
Field of Study Credit*The number of CEU credits that can be earned from the session (per field of study).

* These fields only apply to Conferences i/o applications with the Attendance Tracking upgrade enabled. They will not appear within applications that do not have the Attendance Tracking upgrade.