Finding the Manage Teams interface

Next to the Teams & Scores heading, click Manage Teams.

This will open a Manage Teams modal pop-up, where you will be able to create, edit, or remove teams from this session's Team Battle configuration.

Creating and editing teams in Team Battle

You can create up to 100 teams in Team Battle, though we generally recommend only a few teams, so that all can fit on the leaderboard.

To create a team in Team Battle, from the Manage Teams interface, add the team name to an empty row.

Additional rows will automatically be added to the Manage Teams interface, when needed.

Click Save Teams to save changes to teams.

After saving is complete, the Teams & Scores section of the Team Battle dashboard will reflect the changes.

Adjusting team colors in Team Battle

From the Manage Teams interface, use the Primary Color and Text Color pickers to configure colors for each team.

As colors are changed, they will be reflected in the team's name field.

Click Save Teams to save changes to teams and colors.

Removing teams in Teams Battle

From the Manage Teams interface, identify a team to remove, and click Remove.

You will see a prompt to confirm team removal. Click OK to continue.

The team field will be blanked out.

Click Save Teams when ready to save changes.