PollSense is a generative AI feature, specifically built to help Conferences i/o customers quickly create polls based on the content of a presentation slide deck.


PollSense overview

PollSense will ingest the content of an uploaded PPTX slide deck, identify opportunities for polling questions, and then create the polls within this session. Polls will include a mixture of true/false and multiple choice, and they will include what the AI thinks is the correct answer (based on the presentation content).

PollSense and your data

Conferences i/o extracts the content of the presentation in order to create the polls, but will not retain the extracted content of the presentation beyond the scope of generating polls with PollSense.

Your data is not used for training AI models. It is uploaded only for the purposes of summarizing and querying.

Generate polls with PollSense

1. Sign-in to a session as a moderator

2. In the Polls section, click Create

3. In the right sidebar of the Create Poll page, click the link that says Use AI to bulk-create polls from a presentation slide deck.

4. Upload your slide deck by clicking the Choose File button and selecting a PowerPoint file (PPTX) from your computer.

Please note that all of the slide content in the slide deck will be used to prompt poll generation.

5. After selecting a file, the page will automatically update to include additional fields for field of study, number of polls, and a few advanced options.

6. (Optional) Select a field of study to associate the generated polls with.

PollSense only generates one set of polls at time. If you have multiple fields of study to create polls for, you will need to repeat the poll-generation process for each field of study.

7. Adjust the number of polls to be created. If using polls as attention checks, you might want to do 4 polls per credit. In the below example, then, a field of study with 4 credits would mean creating 16 polls.

8. (Optional) Adjust configuration for the type of polling questions.

You can choose between a mixture of true/false and multiple choice, all true/false, or all multiple choice.

9. (Optional) Adjust configuration for 'silly factor'.

Polls don't always need to be serious. Increasing the silly factor will produce lighthearted questions and response options.

We recommend experimenting with the different options to find a configuration that feels appropriate for your events.

10. Click Start creating polls.

This will trigger a modal dialog box that will show the progress.

Please note that the "Gathering poll ideas" may take a few moments to complete its work behind the scenes.

12. (Optional) Download live content slides for your polls right away by clicking Download Live Content Slides.

Note that you can always download live content slides later.

13. Click Close to close the dialog box.

14. Review the polls by clicking Go back to Session, and manually clicking through the new polls that were added to the session.

Best practices for PollSense

Review the poll questions for accuracy before using.

PollSense may incorrectly interpret data and create questions with the wrong answer. It may also word some questions in a way that may confuse attendees into choosing the wrong answer.

Generate more questions than are needed for the presentation.

PollSense  may generate duplicate questions for the same base material, or may generate incorrect or invalid questions. Generating a few more than required allows moderators to select the best questions without having to resubmit the material for additional generation.

Ensure source material is properly vetted and accurate. 

PollSense does not validate the authenticity of the material against external sources, and will assume that information within the presentation is accurate.

Write or edit the content so that facts and data are presented plainly.

PollSense works best when the details of the material are stated in plain language. For example, writing "The Detroit Red Wings have won the Stanley Cup eleven times" will produce better results than "11 - Number of Stanley Cups won by the Red Wings". Similarly, PollSense may not be able to accurately interpret data that is listed in charts or graphs and not directly referenced.

When using multiple fields of study, break the presentation into separate files and generate individually.

Currently, PollSense can associate all generated polls with a field of study, but it is not able to determine which field of study relates to a given portion of the presentation. For this reason, separate the content into files by field of study and upload those to PollSense individually.