
Administrators can add up to 10 Learning Objectives to a single session. 

1. In the Admin Panel, go to Manage Sessions

2. Click Create a New Session. To add learning objectives to a session you’ve already created, locate the session title in the       list and click EDIT

3. Click + Add New Learning Objective to open a text box and enter the first learning objective for the session: 

4. To add another learning objective, click + Add a New Learning Objective again or continue to the Step #5. 

5. Once the session’s learning objectives have been entered, add them to the session by clicking Save. 


Where can my attendees view the learning objectives for my session?

When attendees join a session with learning objectives, the Learning Objectives bar will appear at the top of the screen on their device. By clicking the down arrow, a list of the learning objectives is displayed: 

Can I ask attendees to evaluate each learning objective separately?

You sure can! Check out this article for additional details: Learning Objectives for Session Evaluations