This article will cover how to send and download Attendance Tracking Certificates. 

Note: Attendance Tracking is an Add-On feature. If you do not see menu choices in the Admin Panel for Attendance Tracking and Certificate Configuration', please contact your account manager if you are interested in this add-on feature, or contact us at [email protected] if you don't have your account manager's contact information.

Sample Certificate


Prepare to Send Certificates

  1. Sign-in to the Admin panel

  2. Click on Manage Sessions

  3. Click Manage on any session where check-ins have been recorded

  • You'll see a list of attendees who have either checked-in, and/or who have been pre-loaded into that session (if you are using our Kiosk mode).
  • If they have checked-in and/or checked-out of the session, the timestamps for this activity will be displayed. This will include the duration that the user was in the session if the check-out feature was used.

Send the Certificate to One Attendee

  • You can send a single attendee their certificate by clicking Send Certificate.
  • This will only work if the attendee's Email Address has been recorded, which will be displayed on the screen.
  • Before sending any certificates, we recommend visiting the Certificate Configuration screen where you configure email related settings.

Send or Download All Certificates for the Session

  • You can also click to send certificates to all eligible recipients via the button indicated below. This will send a PDF file version of the certificate to all of the attendees listed on the screen who show Yes as eligible for the certificate.
  • In addition, you can save a copy of all certificates via the button indicated below. The ZIP file will contain PDF files for each attendee where the filenames will be the attendee name and their email address (if recorded).